Nominations close midnight 31 July 2022
It’s time to have your say in who will be the next Australian of the Year – public nominations for the 2023 Australian of the Year Awards are open until midnight 31 July 2022.
The Australian of the Year Awards rely on nominations from members of the public to find individuals who are contributing to our nation and who make us proud.
It only takes one nomination for someone to be considered for the awards, but a nomination must be submitted for a person to be in the running.
There are four categories in the awards:
- Australian of the Year
- Senior Australian of the Year (aged 65 years and over)
- Young Australian of the Year (aged 16-30 years)
- Australia’s Local Hero
Nominating is easy and can be done online at australianoftheyear.org.au.
Nominations will close at midnight 31 July 2022.
National Australia Day Council CEO Ms Karlie Brand said nominating someone for the awards was a powerful way to share their story with the nation.
“Nominating a person for the awards brings their contributions or achievements to national attention – it elevates their personal story and allows others to appreciate what they’ve done,” said Ms Brand.
“The Australian of the Year Awards program is based on people appreciating other people. Every announcement of an Australian of the Year started with someone submitting a nomination for them, so the person you nominate could very well be one of our next award recipients.
“Nominating is a very simple process which can be done online. While you don’t need to know the individual personally, you do need to be able to tell us a little about what they’ve done and why they would be worthy of recognition.”
Nominations must be for:
- A living person (unfortunately posthumous awards cannot be granted)
- Australian citizens
When submitting your nomination, consider the selection criteria which includes:
- An inspirational role model for the Australian community
- Demonstrated excellence in their field
- The Local Hero award acknowledges a significant contribution at local community level
There are useful tips for nominating here: https://www.australianoftheyear.org.au/nominate/
If you have difficulty speaking or understanding English call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 for the cost of a local call. TIS National operates nationally and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for over 160 languages and dialects
How the Awards process works
The Awards program culminates in the national awards presentation in January when four people are announced as Australian of the Year, Senior Australian of the Year, Young Australian of the Year and Australia’s Local Hero.
However, the awards program recognises 128 people around the country each year through the state and territory awards process:
- Once nominations close, each state and territory selects four nominees in each awards category.
- In October-November, award recipients are announced for each category in each state and territory.
- These recipients then become finalists for the national awards which are announced on the evening of 25 January.
Nominate now at australianoftheyear.org.au by 31 July 2022.
Media enquiries and interview requests:
Nicole Browne, media opps 0414 673 762 nicole@mediaopps.com.au
Photos of the 2022 Australian of the Year Award Recipients downloadable at link (please credit all photos to NADC/Salty Dingo):